RAM it to the max.

I finally dropped more RAM into my MacBook last night.

The original 512MB simply is not enough to run MacOSX in my view. Example, if I was using Safari and had 5 or 6 tabs open, closing a random tab that was not the foregrounded one would cause the spinning “beach ball of doom” to appear, often for long enough to make a cup of tea. Another example, I have the Applications folder in my Dock to act like a quick launch – on my old G3 iBook this worked fine, but on my CoreDuo MacBook I would have to click and hold down the button for 10-20 seconds before the folder popped up and opened.

But now, with the maximum of 2GB of RAM in my MacBook, all is well. I can open Safari AND iTunes without a visit from the beach ball. I can open tabs and flick between them with no lag. Google Reader works! Its great. I note that with just RSS Menu and Safari running my MacOSX sits there using 800MB of RAM… nice 🙁 The new Micron RAM also seems to run warmer then the old standard Apple stuff, but not worryingly so.

Right, new bigger/faster hard disk next.







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