Category: Colo

  • Apache 2.2 on Morgins

    I upgraded Apache from 2.0 to 2.2 on Morgins this morning. Gentoo seem to try and make this process as difficult as possible 🙁 The script on the upgrade page, which makes the APACHE_OPTIONS line for make.conf, cocks up and puts dashes instead of underscores, and also misses some basic options you will want, like…

  • Need a new co-lo host

    Morgins’ ISP has decided to up the cost of the colo, so I am looking around at alternatives. I need 1U, not much bandwidth (I have 100GB/month ATM and its fine) and 0.75amps. It is the amps that cause the problems it seems. Any experience / advice / pointers gratefully received 🙂

  • Morgins downtime

    For the benefit of those is may affect, Morgins will be down at some point tomorrow whilst it is replaced with a new machine. The wonders of rsync mean you should only notice: a) the box going off line for a bit. b) the box being much faster after. That is all 🙂 Update: All…

  • Core 2 Duo madness

    So the day _after_ I buy an Intel Core2Duo for my new home server shit hits the fan and Intel say that maybe actually the chips have, you know, the odd bug. Ah well, I doubt it will affect me in all honestly, but isn’t it just typical. Anyway, upside of above purchase is that…

  • New secondaries

    What with OW going bye-bye in 3 weeks, I figured I should remove any OW servers from my domains – things like secondary MX and DNS. I could just use Morgins (colo in Manchester) and Avoriaz (ADSL in my house), but ADSL is not to stable and Avoriaz gets turned off now and then when…

  • Morgins back on-line

    Morgins is back up and on-line (as of 15.30 today). Looks to have been compromised via the recent issue in cmd.php of Cacti. I’ll post full details shortly, there is some funky perl involved.

  • Morgins compromised?

    Can’t speak to ISP yet, so I can’t confirm, but apparently the hosting ISP took Morgins off-line because “morgins has apparently been compromised and was sending out a DoS attack”. Bugger.

  • Morgins is down.

    The colo at Greenheys went off-line late this afternoon. When it came back Morgins didn’t. I assume a power failure and a fsck is needed. Arse. NN, Al

  • Morgins returns

    Thanks to the lovely Morgins is back up. No idea why it went AWOL though…

  • Morgins MIA

    I don’t know where Morgins has gone. It was fine one sec, then it just dropped off the network. Will have to see tomorrow whats up. NN, Al